
,Aftertoyingwithhisnemesis,BonddropsthepleadingBlofelddownatallindustrialchimneystack,killinghimfromtheimpact,avengingTracyBond'sdeath.,Status.Deceased-PoisonedwithHeraclesanddiedduetoitinhiscell;Role.MainVillain;Portrayedby.ChristophWaltz;Firstseen.Spectre(film);Last ...,2023年3月20日—NoTimeToDiewastedBlofeldonceagain,buthiscameocouldhavebeenfarmoreimpactfulwithonekeychange.,2021年10月2日—NoT...

Blofeld (classic film continuity) | James Bond Wiki

After toying with his nemesis, Bond drops the pleading Blofeld down a tall industrial chimney stack, killing him from the impact, avenging Tracy Bond's death.

Blofeld (Christoph Waltz) - James Bond Wiki

Status. Deceased - Poisoned with Heracles and died due to it in his cell ; Role. Main Villain ; Portrayed by. Christoph Waltz ; First seen. Spectre (film) ; Last ...

No Time To Die Could Have Fixed Blofeld's Wasted Cameo

2023年3月20日 — No Time To Die wasted Blofeld once again, but his cameo could have been far more impactful with one key change.

Blofeld Predicted The End Of No Time To Die

2021年10月2日 — No Time To Die's marketing showed James Bond's nemesis Blofeld warning of a life-changing secret - and the villain ended up predicting the ...

Never Say Never Again's Deleted Blofeld Death (& Why It ...

2022年6月19日 — Here's Blofeld's deleted death in Never Say Never Again explained, and why it was removed. Never Say Never Again marked Sean Connery's last ...

James Bond

2021年12月4日 — The fact that Blofeld was killed off with little fanfare by someone else using Bond as a puppet made his No Time To Die role little more than a ...

Why The James Bond Movies Can't Get Blofeld's Death ...

2023年5月1日 — In total, Blofeld was killed off twice in the official James Bond film series – once in 1981's For Your Eyes Only and again in 2021's No Time To ...

Welcome to hell again, Blofeld

... Blofeld's death. But it is not often realised that there was another ending originally envisaged for the main villain in the movie: Ernst Stavro Blofeld ...